Thursday, February 19, 2009

FACTS in organizing - WORK SHOPS

If we assume, organizing one workshop, the following basic facts can be taken into consideration.

1. Number of days - means how many days of organizing workshop.
2. Boarding of days of participants. This includes Breakfast, tea, lunch and dinner.
3. Number of participants
4. Mode of Travelling and Allowences
5. Remuneration for Resource persons
6. Course Material - which includes Stationary and Workshop kit.
7. Transportation expenses.
8. Lodging Fee
9. Computer hub station
10. Arranging PCs.
11. Miscellaneous and Other expenses
12. Sponser ships
13. External funding sources - donations etc.

NISCAIR Periodicals - Now Online

You can now access full text articles from research journals published by NISCAIR!
Presently full text facility is provided for two of the journals viz. IJBB & IJC-A. For other journals, you can access abstracts.
Full text of these journals will be made available in due course of time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

U.G.C. Notification - revision of pay scales 2009

According to Mr. B.V.Chavan (Librarian) feed back to (upto 20th feb 2009.)
1. For professors - post direct recruitment -12 year- teaching exp-at university or college or other level . But for librarian it is 13 year of which 5 year as deputy librarian or 10 year as a college librarian or assistant librarian university with same qualifications for professor *this is not the justice and parity. (There should not be the difference between teachers & librarians in case of experience or other conditions for direct recruitment or CAS as the both posts are of equql cadre drawing same scale.)

2. For Associate professors- post direct recruitment- 8years-teaching exp-at university or college or other level . But for Deputy librarian it is 10 year of which 5 year as Assistant librarian in univ. or 5 years as a college librarian with same qualifications for Asst. proffesor this is not the justice and parity . (There should not be the difference between teachers & librarians in case of experience or other conditions for direct recruitment or CAs as the both posts are of equql cadre drawing same scale.)

3. The direct recruited associate professor will be placed in 37400-67000 with A.G.P. 9000. However the deputy librarian wiil be placed in 15600-39100 with A.G.P. & will move into 37400-67000 with A.G.P. 9000 after 3years, (this is not the justice because both post have same qualifications at the time of recruitment.)

4. At U.G& P.G. level colleges like university 10 % post of post of professor will be created & there will be only one professor post in each dept. What about library and physical education professional as library & physical education dept are also a academic depts. Librarian & director of physical education in college must be provided with such avenue and they must be given higher AGP 10000 and designated as librarian & Director of physical education itself in colleges . As the 10% professors in university dept will be placed in 12000 higher AGP & will be designated as professor (Here this avenue should be made available to university librarian & Director of physical education directors what the professors have inuniversities.) following all the term & conditions of U.G.C.

5. At Last the criterion of evalution for C.A.S. & Direct recruitment for All post seems appropriate but need to look as the fear is that incumbent may be deprived from benefits.

6. In addition to the points raised by Mr. Baban Chavan, Mr.Prabhash Narayana Rath, Ph. D. (Documentation Officer) want to add one more point that for direct recruitment as deputy librarian in a University, one should have ten publications in indexed/ ISSN numbered journals or books having ISBN, whereas the required no. for Associate Professor is five. Thus, UGC asks more qualifications for direct recruitment to deputy librarians in one hand, while placing the salary in a much lower scale compared to associate professors.