Thursday, October 29, 2009


Here is news for Pharmaceutical Industries that the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) has been formed in 2005, primarily for timely publication IP, the official book of standards for drugs included therein, to specify the standards of identity, quality and strength for the drugs manufactured, imported, stocked or exhibited for sale or distribution as specified in the Second Schedule to the drugs and consmetics Act 1940. The Indian pharmacopoeia Commission published the 5th ed. of the IP in 2007. and an Addendum to it in 2008.

And now in the process of publishing the 6th Edition of IP. The Important task assigned to the commission is updating of the National Formulary of India (NFI), which was last published in 1979.

On Suggestions of stakeholders and experts, the IPC intend to add about 250 new monographs in the forthcoming edition of the IP. the draft monographs have been put on . The next edition expexted to be completed by early 2010.

Stephen Harper's -view on- Libraries

Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that the Govt of Canada and the city of Toronto will work together to fight the recession, create jobs and improve infrastructure by making improvements to the Toronto Reference Library.
" For decades the Toronto Reference Library has been an important resource for millions of visitors of all ages"

Digital technology is transforming how we access and use information. The vessels that have traditionally prreserved knowledge are changing. Yet, the importance of our libraries as physical places where people gather to learn hasn't diminished.
He also stated - much has changed, however, since I first came to this library as a student in 1977. To meet these challenges an ambitious revitalization effort is needed. Or as any librarian here might put it, renovations to the reference Library are long overdue. We must stay on course, complete the implementationof our plan and finish the job of building the foundations of Canada's future prosperity.
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