Friday, March 6, 2009

OPINION - Joomla or Drupal or other CMS... What ?

There is a common question, that which content management systems better viz. Joomla or Drupal or other CMS?. In Mr. D.P.Tripathi's(PK Kelkar Library) opinion, If you are adeveloper and comfortable with php, fixing bugs and plugins, Drupal will be the best option over other CMS. But, if you don't want to touch the developing part, Joomla can be a best option. Both will meet your basic needs. However, I have found Joomla very easy and comfortable for developing a quick website.
Here are some features of Joomla.

1. Installation is very simple. It can be installed easily on Windows aswell as on Linux.
2. If you are not technically sound, it is good to start with Joomla.
3. Working with joomla is very easy.
4. It supports PHP, MySQL and Apache
5. It supports multimedia
6. It has a wide selection of free extension. Once it is installed, it canbe assigned to different pages.
7. Administration is very easy.
8. There is facility to log in to the site and edit the site directly inbrowser.
9. Provision for more than one person to be able to edit the site
10. There are lot of open source components that can be plugged in to thesite. For ex. RSS Syndication, RSS Import, News Letter etc.

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