Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oportuninty to write Course material -Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University

The School of Library & Information Science, Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Housefed Complex, Last Gate, Dispur, Guwahati-781006, Assam is going to launched one year Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application in Library (PGDCAL) from 2010.

The course will comprises of the following papers:

PGDCAL 01 Introduction to Computer (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 02 Office Automation (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 03 Database Management System (DBMS) (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 04 Computer Networks (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 05 Library Automation and Networking (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 06 Library Website (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 07 Web Technologies in Library (Theory & Practice)
PGDCAL 08 Digital Library (Theory & Practice)

For the above course we are in need of course material writer, who can write from their home or office and can submit the material online.Benefit: Firstly your name will be attached with a course and you will have the authorship right to the contents you will be submit to the university.
Secondly we are going to pay a very handsome remuneration for your contribution (Rs. 4000/- in maximum depending upon the quality of the write-up).

Who is Eligible: You must be a lecturer, reader or professor of any school / department of Library and Information Science of any university/college of India.
Submit your details over:http://lislinks.ning.com/forum/topics/need-course-material-writer

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