Monday, September 7, 2009

UGC JRF = entry-level IAS

UGC decided to increase the scholarship amount for JRF by 35 to 40%.
Now researchers get money almost equivalent to basic pay of Rs 20,800 per month — of entry-level Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officials and assistant professors.

UGC also decided to hike scholarships for women pursuing post-doctoral fellowship by about four times.
Now women without research experience will get Rs 25,000 (which was Rs 6,000 earlier) while those with experience will get Rs 30,000 per month as against Rs 8,000 earlier.
The commission, earlier this month, decided that junior research scholars will now get Rs 16,000 per month (Rs 12,000 earlier) for first two years and Rs 20,000 (Rs 14,000 earlier) for the next three years.
The physically challenged researchers will get an escort allowance of Rs 2,000 per month along with the scholarship.“The scholarship amount has been enhanced so that scholars don’t leave mid-day to join teaching,” UGC chairperson Sukhdeo Thorat said.
The new amount of scholorship to be available to 6,500 researchers every year (doubled as compared to last year) — will be applicable from the new academic year 2009-10.
Only students who have cleared the National Eligibility Test will be eligible for the scholarships. The proposal to enhance the scholarship was taken after a recommendation by RP Aggarwal, Higher Education Secretary in the HRD ministry. “The fellowship amount should be increased to 50 per cent subject to the condition that it is less than initial pay for a fresh appointee as assistant professor,” Aggarwal had told UGC in letter on July 30.
With this, the UGC is looking to meet the demand for faculty with requisite research credentials and PhD degrees.
Source: Hindustan Times


  1. this is amazing!!!!!but UGC website is nt giving any details regarding the same.......

  2. hai Mr. Ramakrishnan

    It will effect from new acadamic year 2009-10, and you will be noticed in the announcements of respective departments.

  3. Now JRF Scholars will gate 18000 per month and SRF condidates will gate 21000 per month by sept.01, 2009

  4. Hai Raj,

    Excellent, It will be very helpful in monthly income as rate of cost has been increased in Indian market, minimum surviving is a big question now a days, if adequate income will not raise!
    OK have a nice day and happy new year.


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