Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology has initiated the National Digital Library (NDL) of India pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. Filtered and federated searching is employed to facilitate focused searching so that learners can find out the right resource with least effort and in minimum time. It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners.It is being developed at IIT Kharagpur.
The NDL will harvest metadata and contents from all the Institutional Digital Repositories (IDR) of Universities and Institutions, all other digital library initiatives, and NMEICT projects and index in the National Digital Library Server so that all the e-contents can be searched and accessed in the full-text by the users through a single window. Please visit https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in for further information. ABOUT THE WORKSHOPThe main purpose of this Regional (South - IV) Workshop on “Institutional Digital Repository (IDR-2017)” is to create awareness about an IDR and provide hands-on training in the creation, implementation and promotion of IDR across the educational institutions across the country especially in the Andhra Pradesh region and provide a single-window access with e-learning facility.OBJECTIVES OF THE WORKSHOP• To create an awareness about NDL (NMEICT Project);• To contextualize the role of contributing institutions in the creation and execution of IDR; • To provide hands-on training for the development of IDR with its technological applications and technical possibilities; • To provide appropriate skills for the creation and mobilization of e-content of individual institutions that can be harvested and indexed by the NDL server; and • Provide education on disaster recovery, restore and back up of IDR. WORKSHOP METHODOLOGYThe two-day workshop will have two sessions (pre and post lunch) each day and mainly focus on the following:NDL Project• National Digital Library – A Vision, Overview and Design• Metadata Envelop for NDL • Role of Contributing Institutions IDR Hands-on• Installation of DSpace Version 5.x• Configuration of DSpace (UI, OAI, ORE, Work flow model) • Registry process of NDL metadata Schema into installed Dspace • Uploading steps of e-content’s metadata as per NDL metadata schema TARGET AUDIENCEAcademicians, Library and Information Science (LISc) Professionals, IT Professionals etc. from respective educational institutions across the country especially in the Andhra Pradesh region.LIMITATIONS• No. of Institutions: 30-35 (Per institute 2 persons only (one is Librarian another one is IT Professional)• Category of Institutions – Central/State/Autonomous Government, Universities and Higher Education Institutions. Private institutions are not in priority but may be taken up there is vacancy. REGISTRATION• Registration Fee : None• Last Date of Registration : 10/04/2017• Last Date of Confirmation : 15/04/2017 TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATIONAll Participants are required to meet travel expenses through their respective institutions or from their own funding. Local (hotel) accommodation will be provided by the SPA Vijayawada on twin shared basis subject to prior information/intimation.Committee information
VENUESchool of Planning and Architecture, VijayawadaCORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION ADDRESSDr. Y. Srinivasa Rao,Convener, IDR-2017 and Dy. Librarian, Sy. No. 71/1, NH-5, Nidamanuru, Vijayawada, Pin code: 521104, Dist. Krishna, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 0866 2469466 (O); 09502593300 (Mob) E-mail: ysrao@spav.ac.in, ysraoo@gmail.com |
Thursday, March 2, 2017
work shop@vijayawada
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